Pastor Baiju Thevatheril

Senior Pastor & President

Pastor Baiju Thevatheril is the Senior pastor at Georgia Christian Assembly. Before taking on this new assignment in 2021, he brings in around two decades of experience developing the Next Generation working with InterCollegiate Prayer Fellowship, Youth Pastor at International Pentecostal Assembly www.ipaok.org, and part of the leadership at various National and International conferences. Pr. B as he loves to be called is known for his love for the Lord, love for God and people in Service, ability to communicate practical messages, purposeful in intercession and prayer, and a heart to bring people together in purpose and commitment for the Gospel and the Great Commission. He serves with his wife Binu, a Veterinarian, who loves the Lord with a heart of service and prayer and is blessed with 3 daughters Sarah, Mary, Paula, and their pets Gilbert and Gwen.